About Katha Rama Films

where you will feel unique and special

Mind, Body and Soul

where you will feel unique and special

Katha Rama Films is a creative production company dedicated to bringing compelling stories to life through high-quality filmmaking. Specializing in feature films, short films, advertisements, music videos, and digital content, the company focuses on storytelling that captivates audiences and leaves a lasting impact.


With a team of passionate filmmakers, directors, writers, and cinematographers, Katha Rama Films blends artistic vision with technical expertise to produce visually stunning and emotionally engaging content. The company is committed to innovation, cinematic excellence, and delivering powerful narratives across various genres and platforms.Whether it's a thought-provoking documentary, a gripping drama, or an engaging commercial, Katha Rama Films strives to push creative boundaries and redefine storytelling in the modern entertainment industry.

Indulge Yourself

Feel Yourself More Beautiful

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You Are Beauty

Give the pleasure of beautiful to yourself

  • Certified Stylists

    Nemo ipsam magna volute placerat a turpis ipsum purus sapien ultrice ipsum aliquam congue dolor

  • 100% Organic Cosmetics

    Magna sapien dolor vitae molestie nunc augue and primis quisque sapien justo aliquet venenatis quaerat

  • Easy Online Booking

    Volute magna nemo ipsam placerat turpis ipsum purus sapien ultrice ipsum aliquam an ipsum congue cursus

Mon - 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday - weekly off
Wed - Sun - 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Time Schedule

Working Hours

Our creative team is in full swing during these hours for film production, editing, client meetings, and project planning. Limited production hours for on-location shoots or pre-scheduled appointments. We take weekly off to recharge and prepare for a new week of storytelling.

Be Irresistible

The Ultimate Relaxation for Your Mind and Body

Our Portfolio

Comments & Reviews

Focus On Beauty

Redefine Your Beauty


Visit Katha Rama films

C-244, Basement 1, Sector 63 Noida - 201301


Visit Katha Rama Films

C-244, Basement 1, Sector 63 Noida - 201301